Thursday, February 20, 2014

More CGs

So!!! Last night I have been drawing and rendering CGs but I ended up only finishing one CG and it's variation, since it was kinda big and well, with backgrounds so it took me a while to finish. Of course, I took a break. My shoulders were all stiff.

Anyway, here, take a peak.

This cg is probably the one with the best renders, ever.

Also, while coloring the next one, I just realized I don't really need that since the scene isn't really special or anything, so I decided to scrap it and move on to the next one today.

I realized there are other stuff I have planned to draw CGs but it isn't really necessary because the scenes are just for a few seconds or stuff. . . or don't really need any special CGs, so I kept on cutting down the number of illustrations that I have to draw.

Not to mention I still have to write the other ends.

There are lots I wanna put in Fetish: Every Second Counts but I'm afraid I may not be able to do so because the game might look to cluttered. So instead, I am thinking of something like unlocking exclusive info after getting a certain end.

Is that what you call interactive? //flips


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