Saturday, December 19, 2015

News: Updating

Hello everyone!

I'm sorry for the unreplied comments / e-mails / messages. I have been busy with a lot of projects (both personal and work) still and as you all know, my old laptop's death gave me such a huge lost.

Sad to say, I cannot help with any Mac problems since I do not own a Mac, but I will try rebuilding the games to work on all platforms.

For dead links, I will reupload the games to MEGA instead but may take a while since I still need to check if the files were saved. To know if the pages have been updated, you'll see a "Updated:" sections somewhere.

I'll try to change the blog's look sometime soon.

Anyway, thank you for the kind comments my games have been receiving lately! It has been a long time since they were released and I'm surprised some people have been playing them still.

For faster replies, I'm most active on Facebook!

~ This has been ppppantsu.